Are you ready to find your answer? Sometimes the answer is easier than you think.

Get your health on track

It’s all about a decision. And it starts with you. Natural healing is not something that will happen overnight. The body is the mastermind behind it’s own healing power, and when we love it and support it rightly, it will work its hardest to move towards health and higher vibrational energy and function.

This is not western medicine, so it is important to set your expectations for a different process. This will take time. I am merely the facilitator on your journey, but you own your choices and your health. Once you begin, changing your habits is essential to lasting change.

Be clear on what it is that you want out of this relationship, and what outcome you want. That is what we will work towards utilizing a variety of modalities and methods to accomplish those outcomes.


NEW! This remote offering is the latest in technology that is offered at Creative Light Wellness. A biofeedback scan tests the body and analyzes over 12 different body systems, addressing imbalances in the mind, body, and environment.

This technology is extremely accurate and creates a personalized frequency sound, geometric design, and affirmation delivered remotely or in person to help bring the imbalances back into alignment.

Go to the biofeedback page for more information.

Available Services


To Address Emotional Imbalances…

Emotion Code Session 👤 or online

Emotions are the underlying cause of any disease. It is important to release emotions that may be blocking the body’s healing process. When there is a physical issue in the body, emotions such as fear, anxiety, and resentment may be causing additional issues in the body, or at the very least, complicating the original condition.

Emotional release can take place most easily in person, however, it may be done virtually if needed. There is no need to relive uncomfortable memories or things that caused the emotional blockage. It is just important to find the blocks and release them from further causing issues.

👤 In-person service only.

Raindrop 👤

Raindrop technique is a method that uses a series of 9 essential oils that are worked into the spine with a feather-light touch. Using a hot compress at the end, the oils are pressed further into the spine with heat.

Raindrop is beneficial for the body in many ways. You will feel like you had a relaxing massage, however with the use of oils that are worked into the spine, a detoxification process may occur. Results vary depending on the individual.

One fun demonstration is that after a Raindrop, you may grow! Prior to the technique, I will measure your height on a paper on the wall. Once you are done, I will measure again to see how much taller you are.

Bach Flower Remedies 👤 or online

These flower essences can assist with removing emotional complications such as fear, anger, or grief. These essences can be used or taken without contraindications to any medications or supplements being taken.

Once the underlying emotion is addressed, the healing work on the body can begin or resume.


Essential Oils 👤 or online

Do you want to know more about essential oils in general? Or do you have a specific issue or questions about which essential oils will work for your specific situation?

Book your educational consult to get a recommendation that is unique to your needs.

Massage 👤

Swedish or deep tissue massage to address any tightness in the body. Using long, gliding strokes, this technique helps to increase oxygen in the blood while improving circulation and flexibility.

Massages are booked through special request only.

Aroma Dome 👤

The aroma dome is a direct-to the senses approach to obtaining the benefits of essential oils through direct application. Essential oils are diffused directly inside the tent where they can be inhaled for a short period of time.

Good for respiratory support, and overall health.

To Address Physical Imbalances…

Fascia Work 👤

Using a tool called the Fascia Blaster, this technique will help spread your fascia out to release fat cells, and reduce cellulite! This is a type of massage technique, and it is for those hard-to-reach-by-oneself places on the body.

The changes that result from this work are incredible. Definition emerges, cellulite reduces, and fat cells are released. This method may cause natural bruising, but this in merely an indicator of how tight the fascia has become in the body. Multiple sessions will be required for good results.

*Fascia Blasting sessions will take multiple sessions in order to see noticeable results. The benefits are still good, but this takes time to stretch the tissue and get the desired effect.

Cupping 👤

Coming soon…


Detoxification can happen in many different ways using multiple modalities and methods. My preferred choice for detoxification is an herbal tea cleanse that I put together using either green or white tea as a base and a variety of herbs that address the systems and organs of the body.

This cleanse is gentle, yet effective to give the body a great start to cleansing. The general rule of thumb for this cleanse is to do it once each quarter, or four (4) times per year.


Light Therapy 👤

Light therapy is an extremely effective healing technique that dates back from before the 15th century. Using a vita lamp with different color sheets to mix colors, this modality will assist the healing process depending on what is needed in the body. This can be used with other modalities such as Raindrop, or Therapeutic Massage.

Color is the active principal in all vitamins. All of the processes in the body are associated with a particular color. And let’s not forget about one of the most important forms of light - the sun. Vitamin D is one vitamin that we get from the sun.

Massage 👤

Swedish or deep tissue massage to address any tightness in the body. Using long, gliding strokes, this technique helps to increase oxygen in the blood while improving circulation and flexibility.

Beauty Consultation

Natural makeup is essential to a chemical-free lifestyle. Learn how to use natural makeup to give you a flawless approach while nourishing your skin at the same time.

Did you know that anything directly applied to the skin enters the bloodstream within seconds? In this consultation, you will learn which products are the best and how to switch from conventional products to completely natural with ease.

Iridology 👤

Iridology is the modality where a picture of the iris of the eye is taken, and an assessment of the internal state of the body is made from the fibers of the eye. This is an incredible modality as the eye tells the history of what has occurred in the body over time.

*Appointment times by request only.

pH Testing  👤

Using a sample of urine and saliva, pH testing determines the state of the internal environment of the body. This test allows me to determine how to bring the body into balance so it will heal in an optimal way.

Using minerals to bring the body into balance, this test will establish a baseline for your health. This is a great place to start.

👤 In-person service only.

Weightloss Health Assessment

A brief consult to determine what program might work for you. This weight loss program is proven to get results while creating a new mindset towards healthier habits that are sustainable. A complete program that will help you lose the weight and keep it off by learning to live optimally.

Along with me as your health coach, you will learn how to create perfectly portioned meals, while you work on your own personal triggers and develop better habits that will replace the destructive ones. The program length is different for each person, and how diligent they follow the program. Find food freedom!

*This service fee will be waived upon joining the program.


Educational Consult

Just need help finding what products would be best?

Look no further. The educational consult is a short time frame where you can ask me any questions about supplements, essential oils, and what might be a good fit for certain imbalances you or someone you know might be facing. This is simply a discuss about what product might work best, be more cost effective, etc.

If you already know what your imbalance is, and just need a point in the right direction, or want to know what resources are available, the educational consult is a short education session to pass knowledge.

This is your chance to get inside my brain and ask for knowledge!

Natural Wellness Consultation

Your Discovery Consultation will include…


Consultations begin with a comprehensive discussion of each individual’s history. This includes diet habits, supplements, medications, health history and any current complaints. Confidentiality is top priority here, so it is best for all details to be as accurate as possible. This allows for the best assessment for me to make recommendations to help you improve your health.


We will go back to basics here to discuss all the foundations of health including (but not limited to) fresh air, diet, exercise, water, sleep, and sunlight. We will discuss why this is important. A pH test may be necessary to truly assess the internal environment of your body. Once all of this information is collected, it will be used for me to configure the recipes and/or recommendations for moving forward to a healthier you.


Understanding how medication and supplementation not on affects your body is important, however it is more important to know what you are currently taking, how long you’ve been taking it, and will also contribute to my final recommendations.


Emotions are the underlying root to all disease. We will discuss your emotional past, possible triggers, and how you interact in your world. Many modalities address these issues, and when we can get them cleared out, the body can truly heal itself properly, because there will no longer be emotional blocks stopping the healing process.

Plan and Recommendation

Once all of the information is gathered, I will put together a plan with recommendations to begin your health journey. This is merely education. The choice to fulfill them is up to you and you alone. At this point, we can discuss working together future sessions to complete the plan, according to your comfort level. I am merely the facilitator on your journey, you are the catalyst to lasting change.